Cricket Jokes: Whatsapp Funny Messages

some one liner whatsapp funny jokes messages on cricket.

The two rival cricketers were talking. 'The local team wants me to play for them very badly.'
'Well, you're just the man for the job.'
funny cricket jokes

The two clubmen were talking. 'So you had a hard time explaining the cricket game to your wife, eh?'
'I certainly did. She found out I wasn't there.'

Boss: 'Now on the way to Smith and Sons, you pass the cricket field, so...'
Office boy (hopefully): 'Yes, sir?'
Boss: 'So just pass it.'

There's a man in Croydon who claims to have invented a game that in certain respects is a bit like cricket.
What he doesn't know is that the England team has been playing it for years.

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