Superb Funny Dirty English Jokes On Married Couple

One morning in December, a happily married couple rises from their night’s rest. The husband
rolls over to his beautiful wife and asks how her night was.
She replies, “It was great! I had the best dream in the world.”
Intrigued, the husband urges her to go on.
“Well, I had a dream that I had the most beautifully decorated Christmas tree ever! It was covered
with cocks: big ones, long ones, hard ones, smooth ones, every kind of dick you could imagine.”
The husband, now gloating a little asks, “Was mine at the top for the shining star?”
“No, yours was at the bottom with the broken, wrinkly, tiny ones. How was your night, honey?”
Now pissed off, he replies, “Well, my dream was even better than yours! I dreamed that we had a
Christmas tree decorated with the most beautiful vaginas ever: tight ones, pink ones, smooth ones,
every kind of vagina.”
“Was mine at the top for your shining star?”
Then the husband replies, “No, yours was holding up the fucking tree!”

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